I hate you so much, do you know that?! Christ, what a rollercoaster of freaking emotion! I cried at least twice, shrieked once and gasped at least ten times.
I mean, you start off by everything going around normally, la la la and then BAM! You shoot an innocent surgeon in the fucking head and then you shoot Karev!! How dare you!? Then you leave him to fucking crawl into an elevator where you don't even show what happens to him for another two commmercial breaks!
It gets worse! The stupid naive girl who wishes she was a surgeon bloody well trips over the corpse of her best friend and goes into shock. Of course she runs to Derek who then puts the hospital in a lock down that no one follows! Stupid TV shows. Then, we find out that his wife is pregnant and that the shooter is looking to kill him. Dammit all to hell.
The shooter then kills a bunch of other people and finally someone finds Karev in the fucking elevator and then it jumps to yet another commercial! God dammit.
So the shooter then goes to where Baley is with her intern and a patient (Mandy Moore). Baley sees him with the gun and tells the intern to hide and gets the patient to pretend she is dead and Baley hides under the bed.
Of course the shooter enters the fucking room, shoots the intern (who is still alive) all because he was a surgeon. He notices that the patient is (dead) and drags Baley out from under the bed who pleads for her life pretending to be a nurse.
Then the man leaves and Baley tries to save the intern.
So Karev is being worked on and while that is happening Derek gets shot because that stupid little bimbo that found her friend dead decided to call out to him just as he was calming the shooter down, aggravating the shooter into shooting him! God damned little bitch. I swear.
Meredith (his wife) sees all of this and starts screaming and of course, commercial. I hate them.
Then, the man leaves before the swat team could see him. Of course. Because he hasn't shot enough people yet.
So then more shit happens and Karev is being worked on, the intern is dying because the elevators aren't running anymore and Derek is being operated on.
The stupid shooter finds out that Derek is still alive and is pointing a gun at Christina who is operating on him demanding that she let him die. Then her boyfriend enters the OR and is very heroic. He yells at the shooter that is he shoots Christina he will fucking kill him. Of course he didn't swear but that's besides the point.
Cristina is crying and then Meredith enters the room and tells the shooter that to get revenge he should shoot her because she has ties to all of the people that he wants dead. She is Derek's wife, Weber's honorary daughter and Lexie's sister.
Of course as he goes to shoot her, Owen (Cristina's boyfriend) moves and gets shot instead but is still alive.
Cristina and her intern unhook Derek from the heart monitor which fakes his death and then the shooter leaves. They then proceed to save Derek's life.
Meredith then patches up Owen while she is having a miscarriage. Fuck.
So after that happens Derek's operation is a success but the intern with Baley (Charles) dies after asking Baley to tell Reid (the girl shot in the head at the beginning) that he loved her. But they don't know she's dead! And then he fucking dies. I cried
While Karev was being taken care of he was hallucinating and thought that Lexie was his ex-wife who had cancer and divorced him. He was crying and thanking her that she was there and that he didn't want her to leave again because he missed her. Christ I cried then too.
So the Weber comes into the hospital, finds the shooter and confronts him giving him a damned good speech that I will love him forever for.
Then the SWAT team comes in just as the shooter kills himself because of the speech Weber gave him. Go Weber.
So Derek lived, Owen lived, Karev lived.
But at least five people died, if not more, including the shooter himself.
I hate that I love dramatic tv shows...it's not good for my nerves.