Still unpacking, but I'm excited because it's almost done! And now that it is I want to look for my own place XD but it won't happy for at least a year, I'd imagine.
The job is going well, as well as jobs can. Especially since I'm the lowly new person, although that really isn't true anymore I suppose, since a girl has been hired for part-time work. She has been riding at the barn for several years though, so I don't really think that counts as her being "new", so to speak.
My bedroom is awesome though! Here is a few pictures of it as it is right now (please don't mind the mess!! and the picture camera needs batteries so these were taken with my laptop.)

There isn't anything on the walls yet. My poor Star Wars poster is feeling neglected sitting by my door, I can tell.
So far it hasn't been too bad sleeping in the basement, although I do get woken up some mornings by my parents walking around. Not a big deal though, since I'm usually up early anyways.
I'll take more pictures when my room is completely finished, but it's slow getting there.
I'm going to try and take water exercise classes next week and I'm hoping to take a yoga class as well as my horseback riding. I'm also planning on getting a new phone. Maybe a blackberry or iphone or something with a few more gadgets. It would be helpful for me when I'm at work, for sure.
Well...time for bed since there is work tomorrow!
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