Saturday, July 11, 2009

Start All Over

So, I started work two mondays ago, and its been a crazy time. I'm so out of shape, that I really need to do something about it. I'm hoping for a flat stomach before school starts again.

I was sort of dreading this weekend, because my mom and I were going to go through my grandmother's clothes, but my uncle didn't want us to. So hopefully next saturday we'll be doing that with the family. I don't want to wait too long to do it. The longer we take to go through her things, especially her keepsakes, the harder it will be. I just want to get it over with. Thats not a bad thing, I know its not.

I cleaned my room instead today, and its nice being able to see the floor again. Tomorrow I plan to organize my bathroom. I can't find anything in it! And I have too many empty bottles to count. Next weekend I hope to clean the room downstairs. It's gotten kind of ridiculous. There is stuff everywhere. Too many books.

I want to start playing the drums again too, if I manage to find time. I need to update my chaptered story on fiction press first! It's been months since I've updated it! I just need to get my priorities straight instead of spending heaping amounts of time on the computer.

I found a new favorite manga though, its called Soul Eater and I absolutely love it. If I wasn't pressed for time, I would talk more about it, but there is stuff I want to do and dinner will be soon.