Yes, it is that time of the year again. I am so close to being finished with school that I can hardly concentrate. I should not be doing this right now, actually. I should be studying. But that can wait until later.
I have started a website, but I'm not sure how long its going to last. We'll just have to see during the Christmas holiday. I'm so close to being done with school that I can almost taste it. Only five months. I can do it, despite how much I can't stand being in school.
Learning is great, don't get me wrong, and I love what I am learning here. Horses have always been a favorite hobby of mine and I don't think that is likely to change. In fact, I don't want to ever give up horses.
But this school...some things are great, they are quite laid back here, almost too much. I just finished my midterm for one class today. My midterm on the last day of classes. Go figure. I guess I just feel like I'm stuck. Like I can't go anywhere with my life. I'm stuck in a hole, it feels like. Trapped.
So many of the girls here have so much going for them. They live on a farm, already have their own horses.
Anyway I'm hungry and I don't feel like talking about this. Its so confusing.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday the 13th
Yes, that's right. The cursed day. My goodness, this day was full of incredibly annoying things. I had the worst sort of luck today it feels like.
First I got woken up an hour early, and I couldn't get back to sleep. So that sort of set the mood, and then Josee and I got to our first class, and oh my goodness, we had a test. Did I know about this test? Nope. I didn't study for it and I couldn't even answer one whole page. If I had known, I would have studied and been able to answer the damned questions. They were all like, if the horse has this symptom, what is the likely respiratory disease? Like hell if I knew. I should, I suppose, but thats what studying is for! Aaaah, it was pretty bad. I answered everything else hopefully I will pass..*crosses fingers*
To make matters worse, Josee and I thought we were supposed to be down at the barn for our next class, which was what the teacher told us, but was it? Nope. So we had gone down for no reason, and ended up being late to class. Since it was in the barn I didn't bring my binder, and did we take notes? Yes. Did I have the handout from the last class? Nope. So could I really follow along? Nope. It was epic. In a very bad way. Also, Josee and I were going to sit together, but since I didn't bring anything I couldn't save my seat and when we went down to get a handout with the feed tags on them, some chick took my seat. So I ended up sitting in the row behind Josee. No one else was sitting in that row.
For our last class, we were supposed to go down to the barn (for real this time) so we walked down again, and were supposed to "teach" a class but we ended up running out of time so all we did was stand there for an hour watching other people do the assignment. Complete waste of time. It sucked.
There were other moments in between I'm sure, but I can't remember them all so I'm not even going to try.
Alright, rant over. I'm happy now, getting that off my chest.
Friday the 13th...geez.
First I got woken up an hour early, and I couldn't get back to sleep. So that sort of set the mood, and then Josee and I got to our first class, and oh my goodness, we had a test. Did I know about this test? Nope. I didn't study for it and I couldn't even answer one whole page. If I had known, I would have studied and been able to answer the damned questions. They were all like, if the horse has this symptom, what is the likely respiratory disease? Like hell if I knew. I should, I suppose, but thats what studying is for! Aaaah, it was pretty bad. I answered everything else hopefully I will pass..*crosses fingers*
To make matters worse, Josee and I thought we were supposed to be down at the barn for our next class, which was what the teacher told us, but was it? Nope. So we had gone down for no reason, and ended up being late to class. Since it was in the barn I didn't bring my binder, and did we take notes? Yes. Did I have the handout from the last class? Nope. So could I really follow along? Nope. It was epic. In a very bad way. Also, Josee and I were going to sit together, but since I didn't bring anything I couldn't save my seat and when we went down to get a handout with the feed tags on them, some chick took my seat. So I ended up sitting in the row behind Josee. No one else was sitting in that row.
For our last class, we were supposed to go down to the barn (for real this time) so we walked down again, and were supposed to "teach" a class but we ended up running out of time so all we did was stand there for an hour watching other people do the assignment. Complete waste of time. It sucked.
There were other moments in between I'm sure, but I can't remember them all so I'm not even going to try.
Alright, rant over. I'm happy now, getting that off my chest.
Friday the 13th...geez.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
So, I'm in the middle of my midterms, and while school is going crazy with studying and projects, I have come to the decision that I am going to try and win NaNoWriMo. I have no idea what plot I am going to use, but I think I might just wing it. It will be a fantasy though, maybe have some romance, adventure. Maybe more than a little bit of angst. All in all, it's going to be an interesting month and I plan to document what I write every day that month, whether through video or blog, more than likely blog. But who knows, I might change my mind. Probably not though.
So besides that, I have found a new anime love, more specifically, One Piece. Even more specifically, the LuffyxNami pairing. I give those two much love. They are up there with my SoulxMaka and SasuNaru pairings. I'm sure I have others, but those are the three that I give much love to.
I'm kind of annoyed right now too, I'm trying to find out if my school is planning a trip to the Royal Winter Fair, and if they don't tell me soon, I'm going to have to get everything on my own (or my Dad will, more likely) but still, it would be helpful if I knew now so my Dad, Josee and I can get decent seats for the shows. I'll probably e-mail the girl in charge again and if I don't get a response by Friday I'm making my own plans. Screw going with the school.
On the bright side, I got to go to an animal hospital in Montreal the other day. God what a bus ride! I ended up getting a migrane by the end of the day, which isn't very nice, but once we got to the hospital it was alright. We got to see where they do surgery but unfortunately we didn't see anything very interesting. No surgeries or prep, seeing how they prepare the horse would have been cool, but alas, thats how life goes some times. It was kind of disconcerting though, there was no horse smell at all, but that should be expected for a hospital.
Now I'm going to go read some LuffyxNami fanfiction.
So besides that, I have found a new anime love, more specifically, One Piece. Even more specifically, the LuffyxNami pairing. I give those two much love. They are up there with my SoulxMaka and SasuNaru pairings. I'm sure I have others, but those are the three that I give much love to.
I'm kind of annoyed right now too, I'm trying to find out if my school is planning a trip to the Royal Winter Fair, and if they don't tell me soon, I'm going to have to get everything on my own (or my Dad will, more likely) but still, it would be helpful if I knew now so my Dad, Josee and I can get decent seats for the shows. I'll probably e-mail the girl in charge again and if I don't get a response by Friday I'm making my own plans. Screw going with the school.
On the bright side, I got to go to an animal hospital in Montreal the other day. God what a bus ride! I ended up getting a migrane by the end of the day, which isn't very nice, but once we got to the hospital it was alright. We got to see where they do surgery but unfortunately we didn't see anything very interesting. No surgeries or prep, seeing how they prepare the horse would have been cool, but alas, thats how life goes some times. It was kind of disconcerting though, there was no horse smell at all, but that should be expected for a hospital.
Now I'm going to go read some LuffyxNami fanfiction.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Bored, Bored, Bored
If you couldn't tell...I'm bored! I'm here just waiting for my project partner to be out of class. It ends at 8:00 but sometimes they get out early. God I hope so. I just want to get this meeting over and done with so I can get changed into my pjs and just relaaaax. I want hot chocolate and cookies. Mmmmmmm...yummy.
I also got my remote today!! How sweet is that!? Pretty sweet, thats what. Now I don't have to get up to change the scene or press play and all that shit. Stupid.
Also Josee and I have come to an agreement that we are going to cause some mayhem on halloween! Hells yeah! We're going to go out late at night and see who we can scare. Maybe I'll even get some candy. That'd be a pretty awesome deal. We're also going to tape some of it, most likely. With a digital camera! Except mine doesn't have sound for some strange reason...maybe I can fix that! Maybe...
But uhm, I'm debating between being a pirate or a witch. I have a witch hat, but I also have pirate stuff! It's a hard toss up. I was a pirate last year though. So maybe a witch would be better this year? In any case, I'm wearing one of my cute mini skirts. With my boots.
I also re-found my love for 15/love. I love that tv show. Squody all the way :P
Uhmmm..and yeah, thats it.
Can't wait for thanksgiving!!
I also got my remote today!! How sweet is that!? Pretty sweet, thats what. Now I don't have to get up to change the scene or press play and all that shit. Stupid.
Also Josee and I have come to an agreement that we are going to cause some mayhem on halloween! Hells yeah! We're going to go out late at night and see who we can scare. Maybe I'll even get some candy. That'd be a pretty awesome deal. We're also going to tape some of it, most likely. With a digital camera! Except mine doesn't have sound for some strange reason...maybe I can fix that! Maybe...
But uhm, I'm debating between being a pirate or a witch. I have a witch hat, but I also have pirate stuff! It's a hard toss up. I was a pirate last year though. So maybe a witch would be better this year? In any case, I'm wearing one of my cute mini skirts. With my boots.
I also re-found my love for 15/love. I love that tv show. Squody all the way :P
Uhmmm..and yeah, thats it.
Can't wait for thanksgiving!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Awwwwwwwweee!! My first pub of the year!
OOOOO it was so great! So Josee and I left at around 10:40 because I'm slow, and we got to the doors of the pub and we had to wait outside :( Damn it was cold! It's a good thing I brought my jacket :D Two people bumped into me at one point or another and one of them was this cute boy :P He didn't apologize of course -_- ah well. Someone touched my ass too. It was kind of disturbing, because it happened more than once.
So we got in, and as usual it took us a while to get comfortable enough to dance, but after a while a guy came up to us totally drunk. It was hilarious, he was trying so hard not to fall over. He danced with us for one song, it was kind of awkward though, because he was just basically tipping from side to side, lol. I was so worried he was going to fall over. His name is John, by the way :p
After that, we moved around a bit, and another boy came up to us, this one was cute, and he started dancing with us. Out of the blue he grabbed me and pulled me against him and started dancing, lol! It was so great. After the song was over, he smiled and thanked me for the dance, then kissed my cheek and walked off. I never saw him again lol. Figures. I didn't even get his name. Ah well.
So we danced a little more, and then decided to go get drinks. We both got coolers. I had gotten mine first, and I sat at a table, waiting for Josee. Then this guy came up to me, and was like, "what are you doing, sitting here by yourself?" and I said, "Oh, I'm waiting for my friend, Josee, over there buying drinks." Then he asked, "Is your friend a boy or a girl?" So I said girl. And then he asked me if I had a boyfriend, and I said no. Then it was so awesome! He was like "Why are you single!?" No one ever asked me that before! It was so great! :D
By that time, Josee had come over, and he asked her if she was single too, and he was like "Why! You both are so hot!" Awwwwwwwwww! He wasn't even drunk! Probably a little buzzed, but it was sooooo flattering! I loved it.
So we talked for a while, and then he was like to me "Do you like to dance?" and I said yeah, then he asked me for a dance, but he said it had to be a slow one. So I said sure. But I never did get that dance. Ah well. His name is Jake.
He left after a while, and Josee and I went to dance some more because a song we liked was playing. I forget the song now. Jake came and danced with us along with another girl whose name is Corinn. She was Josee's old roommate. Anyway, we danced for a song, and then parted.
Josee and I went to get another drink, I got a coors and Josee got a vex. This was when things started getting a little tipsy. Yet another guy came up to us, whose name is Scott. He's a second year as well but in the agricultural diploma. He couldn't believe he had never seen us before, but we haven't seen him either. So who knows. But he bought us drinks! I had asked him not to, because I was buzzed, and I didn't want to get drunk, but he did anyway, and I couldn't not drink it..which in hindsight was a big mistake.
So after that we danced a bit, but then the DJ announced the last song, and it was a slow one, so Josee and I left (I had completely forgotten about Jake) and boy was it hard to walk! The room felt like it was spinning when I walked. That was when things got gross.
We got up to our room, and after maybe half an hour, I got sick to my stomach...twice. So then I went to sleep.
I woke up about eight this morning completely hung over. I had a blarring headache, and was sick twice (again). I am never getting drunk again. Buzzed is okay, but I refuse to go through this hell again. It was so embarrasing! Both times I was sick there were people in the bathroom. It was horrible. I'm still feeling awful and its almost 5! Part of it could be because my body decided to start my period today too, which is very bad timing.
But all in all it was a great night.
I'm going to sleep.
So we got in, and as usual it took us a while to get comfortable enough to dance, but after a while a guy came up to us totally drunk. It was hilarious, he was trying so hard not to fall over. He danced with us for one song, it was kind of awkward though, because he was just basically tipping from side to side, lol. I was so worried he was going to fall over. His name is John, by the way :p
After that, we moved around a bit, and another boy came up to us, this one was cute, and he started dancing with us. Out of the blue he grabbed me and pulled me against him and started dancing, lol! It was so great. After the song was over, he smiled and thanked me for the dance, then kissed my cheek and walked off. I never saw him again lol. Figures. I didn't even get his name. Ah well.
So we danced a little more, and then decided to go get drinks. We both got coolers. I had gotten mine first, and I sat at a table, waiting for Josee. Then this guy came up to me, and was like, "what are you doing, sitting here by yourself?" and I said, "Oh, I'm waiting for my friend, Josee, over there buying drinks." Then he asked, "Is your friend a boy or a girl?" So I said girl. And then he asked me if I had a boyfriend, and I said no. Then it was so awesome! He was like "Why are you single!?" No one ever asked me that before! It was so great! :D
By that time, Josee had come over, and he asked her if she was single too, and he was like "Why! You both are so hot!" Awwwwwwwwww! He wasn't even drunk! Probably a little buzzed, but it was sooooo flattering! I loved it.
So we talked for a while, and then he was like to me "Do you like to dance?" and I said yeah, then he asked me for a dance, but he said it had to be a slow one. So I said sure. But I never did get that dance. Ah well. His name is Jake.
He left after a while, and Josee and I went to dance some more because a song we liked was playing. I forget the song now. Jake came and danced with us along with another girl whose name is Corinn. She was Josee's old roommate. Anyway, we danced for a song, and then parted.
Josee and I went to get another drink, I got a coors and Josee got a vex. This was when things started getting a little tipsy. Yet another guy came up to us, whose name is Scott. He's a second year as well but in the agricultural diploma. He couldn't believe he had never seen us before, but we haven't seen him either. So who knows. But he bought us drinks! I had asked him not to, because I was buzzed, and I didn't want to get drunk, but he did anyway, and I couldn't not drink it..which in hindsight was a big mistake.
So after that we danced a bit, but then the DJ announced the last song, and it was a slow one, so Josee and I left (I had completely forgotten about Jake) and boy was it hard to walk! The room felt like it was spinning when I walked. That was when things got gross.
We got up to our room, and after maybe half an hour, I got sick to my stomach...twice. So then I went to sleep.
I woke up about eight this morning completely hung over. I had a blarring headache, and was sick twice (again). I am never getting drunk again. Buzzed is okay, but I refuse to go through this hell again. It was so embarrasing! Both times I was sick there were people in the bathroom. It was horrible. I'm still feeling awful and its almost 5! Part of it could be because my body decided to start my period today too, which is very bad timing.
But all in all it was a great night.
I'm going to sleep.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Guess WHAT!!
I got sick! I swore I wouldn't, but that's life I suppose. My cold is going through its stages pretty quickly, yesterday it was coughing, and today its sneezing, because you needed to know that.
I was bored yesterday, and in my boredom, I found a number of sites that are packed full of helpful beauty tips and advice among other things. But, in browsing these sites, I found this one:
It's a really cool website, where people make things and sell them, essentially. But some of the items for sale are amazing. The prices are really good too.
Go take a look :)
It's crazy that September is almost over, and I have yet to really get started on my projects D: Yet here I am, writing this...ah well, I'm sick and that's excuse enough. Plus Dancing with the Stars will be on soon! :D I get to see Dmitry Chaplin, Aaron Carter, Lacey S (because I'm not even going to try and spell her last name), and Kelly Osborne! She's doing so well on the show, its great! Aaron Carter got cute again :P Last I saw him on that show, Carter something, he looked like a wreck, but he sure cleaned up good :D
Gosh! I'm all over the place right now, but for some reason I really, really want to sew. I was watching cosplay videos and it got me thinking (yet again) about Anime North, which got me thinking about my cosplay, but then..I remembered my graduation! I'm kind of excited for it, and we aren't even out of September yet! One part of me just wants school to be over, another is scared shitless about what's next for me, the other part can't wait to get started on my career (and life, basically), and then there is the part that just wants to stay in school to learn as much as I possibly can, because there is so much information out there it's insane and I've only touched on a little bit of it at school, but I already feel like I've learned so much in the year and two weeks I've been here.
One of the reasons I can't wait to get out of this school is there is only one kitchen! One! For 80 odd people! I wanted yummy chicken noodle soup yesterday for dinner, but did I get to? No! :( These girls decided they were going to use up the whole stove to make themselves dinner. Why all four burners!? Like're not at home! I had to make mr. noodles in the microwave instead. I could have waited, but I was hungry, and when I'm hungry I get headaches, and headaches when I have a cold is just cruel. So I was angry about that for a bit, but I guess I got over it.
Anyway, my show's on now so I'm gonna go.
I was bored yesterday, and in my boredom, I found a number of sites that are packed full of helpful beauty tips and advice among other things. But, in browsing these sites, I found this one:
It's a really cool website, where people make things and sell them, essentially. But some of the items for sale are amazing. The prices are really good too.
Go take a look :)
It's crazy that September is almost over, and I have yet to really get started on my projects D: Yet here I am, writing this...ah well, I'm sick and that's excuse enough. Plus Dancing with the Stars will be on soon! :D I get to see Dmitry Chaplin, Aaron Carter, Lacey S (because I'm not even going to try and spell her last name), and Kelly Osborne! She's doing so well on the show, its great! Aaron Carter got cute again :P Last I saw him on that show, Carter something, he looked like a wreck, but he sure cleaned up good :D
Gosh! I'm all over the place right now, but for some reason I really, really want to sew. I was watching cosplay videos and it got me thinking (yet again) about Anime North, which got me thinking about my cosplay, but then..I remembered my graduation! I'm kind of excited for it, and we aren't even out of September yet! One part of me just wants school to be over, another is scared shitless about what's next for me, the other part can't wait to get started on my career (and life, basically), and then there is the part that just wants to stay in school to learn as much as I possibly can, because there is so much information out there it's insane and I've only touched on a little bit of it at school, but I already feel like I've learned so much in the year and two weeks I've been here.
One of the reasons I can't wait to get out of this school is there is only one kitchen! One! For 80 odd people! I wanted yummy chicken noodle soup yesterday for dinner, but did I get to? No! :( These girls decided they were going to use up the whole stove to make themselves dinner. Why all four burners!? Like're not at home! I had to make mr. noodles in the microwave instead. I could have waited, but I was hungry, and when I'm hungry I get headaches, and headaches when I have a cold is just cruel. So I was angry about that for a bit, but I guess I got over it.
Anyway, my show's on now so I'm gonna go.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Well, I have finished a whole week of classes, but for some reason it feels like I've been here forever. My calendar says otherwise. The classes are going good except for one. It's nothing against the students, but gosh, who knew boys, because they can't possibly be considered men with how they act, are so crude. Not all of you boys are I suppose, but maybe its just the class enviorment. You need to impress all those pretty Equine girls eh? Hopefully it will get better and I can actually concentrate and learn.
All my other classes are going exceptionally well though! I'm learning lots about horses and how to take proper care of them. I knew they were weak animals, but I'm learning even more how fragile they really are. For some reason, I still love them. You're my favorite Vinnie! I love you <3 I can't wait to see you again.
So many people are getting sick with colds at school now! Ugh, I don't want to get sick. Especially with that cursed swine flu going around (H1N1). That would suck. I'm also up to my knees in projects. It's hard to imagine that I only have 11 weeks of classes left! When its put like that, it seems like time will fly by. I have mixed feelings about that. While the sooner its over the sooner I get out of school, but then that means work full time! I have done that before, but its only been for the summer. Also, depending on where I get a job I might actually move out to live at the barn where I work. It seems so surreal, living in a barn house. It would be kind of neat too though I think, falling asleep listening to the horses. Hopefully the barn won't have roosters.
But that is still quite a ways away and I don't particularily want to think about it. It can wait until the new year when I actually start looking for a job.
I also made my G2 appointment again. I hope beyond all hope that the strike is over before the 21st of December. I damn well better pass it because if I don't I'm going to be a very upset twenty year old on my birthday. Maybe I'll go shopping for a car. That would be sweet. A nice small four door car. That works.
That works well.
All my other classes are going exceptionally well though! I'm learning lots about horses and how to take proper care of them. I knew they were weak animals, but I'm learning even more how fragile they really are. For some reason, I still love them. You're my favorite Vinnie! I love you <3 I can't wait to see you again.
So many people are getting sick with colds at school now! Ugh, I don't want to get sick. Especially with that cursed swine flu going around (H1N1). That would suck. I'm also up to my knees in projects. It's hard to imagine that I only have 11 weeks of classes left! When its put like that, it seems like time will fly by. I have mixed feelings about that. While the sooner its over the sooner I get out of school, but then that means work full time! I have done that before, but its only been for the summer. Also, depending on where I get a job I might actually move out to live at the barn where I work. It seems so surreal, living in a barn house. It would be kind of neat too though I think, falling asleep listening to the horses. Hopefully the barn won't have roosters.
But that is still quite a ways away and I don't particularily want to think about it. It can wait until the new year when I actually start looking for a job.
I also made my G2 appointment again. I hope beyond all hope that the strike is over before the 21st of December. I damn well better pass it because if I don't I'm going to be a very upset twenty year old on my birthday. Maybe I'll go shopping for a car. That would be sweet. A nice small four door car. That works.
That works well.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Let's Play a Card Game
"Let's go catch some mice!"
"But I wanna eat grass!"
This is what I imagine two of my most favorite animals are saying right now if they could talk. Unfortunately, they have left us in this world, and are in a better place where they can feel no pain or suffering. Only joy and happiness.
This blog is a tribute to the Amazing Houdini and Fantastic Larry.

They both were great additions to the family, and are sorely missed. They will always live on in our hearts and minds. They will be remembered for as long as our mission exists.
Rest in Peace guys.

Love ya forever
"But I wanna eat grass!"
This is what I imagine two of my most favorite animals are saying right now if they could talk. Unfortunately, they have left us in this world, and are in a better place where they can feel no pain or suffering. Only joy and happiness.
This blog is a tribute to the Amazing Houdini and Fantastic Larry.

They both were great additions to the family, and are sorely missed. They will always live on in our hearts and minds. They will be remembered for as long as our mission exists.
Rest in Peace guys.

Love ya forever
Sunday, August 16, 2009
So I went through a huge cleaning spree saturday when my parents weren't home and ironically I found my Aaron Carter CD. It's the best CD to listen to when cleaning, I must say. Although I did less cleaning than dancing around. It brought out my love for his songs once again. There is just something about his songs when he was a little kid that I love. They're so upbeat, its easy to enjoy them. The lyrics don't have to make sense, so long as you can dance to the song.
The one song I like the best has got to be Real Good Time. The chorus is my favorite part of it.
"Maybe I laugh, maybe I cry
Maybe I scream, maybe I sigh
Baby I feel, the feeling is real
Maybe I curse, maybe I squeal
But I enjoy, making some noise
Foolin' around, adjusting to the sound
You and I get, everything's set
Be sure you know how to have a real good time"
It's a good song to get frustrations out. You can just jump around to the lyrics singing at the top of your lungs. I did it yesterday, and it was a huge stress reliever. Just being able to let everything out like that in a way that is positive, is absolutely amazing.
I know when I get angry, I just want to hit something, and just picking a favorite song and blasting the speakers and singing along is so much more benefical than writing in a blog, diary, journal, whatever.
This may be just me, but after I write in a diary about my life problems, it just makes me feel worse. That could be because I don't like talking about my problems, so why would I like writing them down right? At least in that sense. I often put my problems into the stories I write, but thats putting the problems on someone else, whether they are a fictional character or not.
Just being able to make some noise, is so great, it lifts me up and makes me feel so much better. It's so much better than just screaming my lungs out, which I have wanted to do before as well.
You don't even have to be a good singer. I know I'm not.

So thanks Aaron, for that uplifting song.
The one song I like the best has got to be Real Good Time. The chorus is my favorite part of it.
"Maybe I laugh, maybe I cry
Maybe I scream, maybe I sigh
Baby I feel, the feeling is real
Maybe I curse, maybe I squeal
But I enjoy, making some noise
Foolin' around, adjusting to the sound
You and I get, everything's set
Be sure you know how to have a real good time"
It's a good song to get frustrations out. You can just jump around to the lyrics singing at the top of your lungs. I did it yesterday, and it was a huge stress reliever. Just being able to let everything out like that in a way that is positive, is absolutely amazing.
I know when I get angry, I just want to hit something, and just picking a favorite song and blasting the speakers and singing along is so much more benefical than writing in a blog, diary, journal, whatever.
This may be just me, but after I write in a diary about my life problems, it just makes me feel worse. That could be because I don't like talking about my problems, so why would I like writing them down right? At least in that sense. I often put my problems into the stories I write, but thats putting the problems on someone else, whether they are a fictional character or not.
Just being able to make some noise, is so great, it lifts me up and makes me feel so much better. It's so much better than just screaming my lungs out, which I have wanted to do before as well.
You don't even have to be a good singer. I know I'm not.

So thanks Aaron, for that uplifting song.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Start All Over
So, I started work two mondays ago, and its been a crazy time. I'm so out of shape, that I really need to do something about it. I'm hoping for a flat stomach before school starts again.
I was sort of dreading this weekend, because my mom and I were going to go through my grandmother's clothes, but my uncle didn't want us to. So hopefully next saturday we'll be doing that with the family. I don't want to wait too long to do it. The longer we take to go through her things, especially her keepsakes, the harder it will be. I just want to get it over with. Thats not a bad thing, I know its not.
I cleaned my room instead today, and its nice being able to see the floor again. Tomorrow I plan to organize my bathroom. I can't find anything in it! And I have too many empty bottles to count. Next weekend I hope to clean the room downstairs. It's gotten kind of ridiculous. There is stuff everywhere. Too many books.
I want to start playing the drums again too, if I manage to find time. I need to update my chaptered story on fiction press first! It's been months since I've updated it! I just need to get my priorities straight instead of spending heaping amounts of time on the computer.
I found a new favorite manga though, its called Soul Eater and I absolutely love it. If I wasn't pressed for time, I would talk more about it, but there is stuff I want to do and dinner will be soon.
I was sort of dreading this weekend, because my mom and I were going to go through my grandmother's clothes, but my uncle didn't want us to. So hopefully next saturday we'll be doing that with the family. I don't want to wait too long to do it. The longer we take to go through her things, especially her keepsakes, the harder it will be. I just want to get it over with. Thats not a bad thing, I know its not.
I cleaned my room instead today, and its nice being able to see the floor again. Tomorrow I plan to organize my bathroom. I can't find anything in it! And I have too many empty bottles to count. Next weekend I hope to clean the room downstairs. It's gotten kind of ridiculous. There is stuff everywhere. Too many books.
I want to start playing the drums again too, if I manage to find time. I need to update my chaptered story on fiction press first! It's been months since I've updated it! I just need to get my priorities straight instead of spending heaping amounts of time on the computer.
I found a new favorite manga though, its called Soul Eater and I absolutely love it. If I wasn't pressed for time, I would talk more about it, but there is stuff I want to do and dinner will be soon.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!!
To all the Fathers out there!
Here is a song that I absolutely adore! I cried when I first heard it.
Look at the two of you dancing that way
Lost in the moment and each others face
So much in love your alone in this place
Like there's nobody else in the world
I was enough for her not long ago
I was her number one
She told me so
And she still means the world to me
Just so you know
So be careful when you hold my girl
Time changes everything
Life must go on
And I'm not gonna stand in your way
But I loved her first and I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she'd find you someday
But it still hard to give her away
I loved her first
How could that beautiful women with you
Be the same freckle face kid that I knew
The one that I read all those fairy tales to
And tucked into bed all those nights
And I knew the first time I saw you with her
It was only a matter of time
But I loved her first and I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she'd find you someday
But its still hard to give her away
I loved her first
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
Someday you might know what I'm going through
When a miracle smiles up at you
I loved her first
I Loved Her First by Heartland
So Adorable! A Dad's love is great.
Happy Father's Day Dad! Love you.
Here is a song that I absolutely adore! I cried when I first heard it.
Look at the two of you dancing that way
Lost in the moment and each others face
So much in love your alone in this place
Like there's nobody else in the world
I was enough for her not long ago
I was her number one
She told me so
And she still means the world to me
Just so you know
So be careful when you hold my girl
Time changes everything
Life must go on
And I'm not gonna stand in your way
But I loved her first and I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she'd find you someday
But it still hard to give her away
I loved her first
How could that beautiful women with you
Be the same freckle face kid that I knew
The one that I read all those fairy tales to
And tucked into bed all those nights
And I knew the first time I saw you with her
It was only a matter of time
But I loved her first and I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she'd find you someday
But its still hard to give her away
I loved her first
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
Someday you might know what I'm going through
When a miracle smiles up at you
I loved her first
I Loved Her First by Heartland
So Adorable! A Dad's love is great.
Happy Father's Day Dad! Love you.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Update Post
So, I originally had three blogs, but I found I wasn't updating any specific one very much, so it'll be easier to just have one blog to put everything thats happening on.
Thats all I wanted to say right now, but I'll probably be updating later today or tomorrow, if I remember.
Thats all I wanted to say right now, but I'll probably be updating later today or tomorrow, if I remember.
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